There are situations when direct measurement of field strengths, no matter how thoroughly or competently performed, are inadequate to the analytical requirements. In other cases, like this direct measurement are impossible - the facilities do not yet exist. At such times, analysis by computer model is necessary:The purpose of the simulation is to examine the electric & magnetic field levels, after the Implementing of the Electrical facility.
Power frequency or utility transmission power lines passing near or through a property/ area/ facilities can serious influence how the land might be developed for use. For instance, AC magnetic fields which are naturally emitted by power frequency lines might cause serious interference (EMI) with sensitive equipment in a research laboratory or medical facility under consideration for construction. Growing concern exists that new schools not be sited near power lines as a precautionary measure against exposure of students to unknown health risks from power line EMF.
Emission data are inadequate to characterize the contribution of a source to the total personal extremely-low-frequency (ELF) magnetic field exposure. Using computer simulation, a model is proposed that takes into consideration the position of the subject with respect to the source and the duration of exposure. The magnetic field is spatially averaged over the whole body of the exposed subject and integrated over time. By use of this method, the ELF magnetic fields generated by several household sources were compared with the levels of residential external sources, to assess their relative significance. Some common domestic electrical appliances are found to be responsible for an exposure comparable to that from power lines. When the model is used to assess exposure to electric blankets, apparently conflicting findings may be reconciled.

Dolev provides land use planners, developers and lenders with the critical information about EMF from power frequency lines to make informed sitting and investment decisions. The assessment of existing and future EMF conditions within the boundaries of a potential development project can provide guidance for changes in the project.
Each professional EMF survey includes a full identification of the source or sources of elevated magnetic fields, radio frequency fields, or electromagnetic interference (EMI). This often requires evaluation of feeder imbalance, neutral current diversion, and other net current sources. An analysis of electrical wiring and grounding systems from the standpoint of field production is an essential part of a comprehensive measurement survey. The power control and distribution equipment in commercial buildings can also produce extremely high field intensities even when circuits are balanced and operating properly.
Dolev offer EMF measurement surveys from all sources:
• Evaluation of a commercial space where equipment might adversely affected by building electrical systems or other interference sources, or where concern about human exposure exists.
• Land for construction - Site assessment of an open tract to evaluate the impact of power lines, and to provide guidance in the placement of new construction
• Evaluation of a residence from an exposure assessment perspective